Personal finances taken cared of Getting around to write about something useful is probably...useful indeed. Notwishtanding, although my endeavors in finding the perfect app have since yelded some results. I'm still at a loss. Nah, I'm just kidding. However, I did find the perfect finance app. Fast Budget is a speedy personal finance app that is totally free, unless you go...Continue to app
Don't forget! It's not that I'd forget my head if it weren't attached, but I must admit I do lose umbrellas more often than anything else. In any case, Todoist is not about prevention of lost items, but it deals with a problem that most of us have. A busy schedule. Todoist allows you to record tasks under projects, which are basically categories like shopping or...Continue to app
Permanent Equalizing Perfect audio balance can be achieved. The question is: Are you leaving it up to YouTube to balance your audio track or do you put the matter into your hand? Bass Treble Booster is a simple tool for modifying the audio spectrum settings of... you guessed it: audio files. The interface shows a standard equalizer which sets the desired levels and a...Continue to app
Antiquated but fitting The one and only Chess! Well, not really. Besides the fact that I know of the existence of other ancient Chess versions (I've also played Shôgi, mind you), our well known Chess has seen some variations over the years. From Bobby Fisher's set-up to the tactical Raindrop Chess and Richard Garfield's wacky example of Rando-Chess (where you roll a...Continue to app
Share and distribute As observed in the logo for Share Link (vesica pisces), this app only requires two elements to work and deliver an ecstatic experience. If transferring files between devices and your home PC is a thing for you, pay close attention. Share Link is both an app for Android and Windows. It allows the transfer of files between devices that are linked...Continue to app
History lesson If you haven't already heard of Skype then you're either a medieval knight that has accidentally ended up in the wrong millennium, or living in North Korea, in which case you're probably not reading this right now. Skype is well known as a messenger and VoIP service. That means "Voice over IP" for you land lubbers. Don't know what IP...Continue to app