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The evaluations from our editors

Review Screenshot - Movie Creator – Create and Edit Highlight Videos
Editor's rating:
Version: | Reviewed on Sep 23, 2020
Movie Creator – Create and Edit Highlight Videos
Do you like seeing stories of others on social media networks? Want to create a story of your own? If yes, then this movie creator is just the app you need. Movie Creator is a cool app that automatically creates stories and movies for you by utilizing the photos and videos that you have captured with your phone's camera. It works in the...Continue to app

Review Screenshot - Shooting Game – Online Shooting Action at its Best
Editor's rating:
Version: 0.32.1 | Reviewed on Sep 23, 2020
Shooting Game – Online Shooting Action at its Best
Do you like online shooting games? Are you looking for a mobile version of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive? If yes, then look no further. This shooting game is exactly what you need. Standoff 2 is an exhilarating game in which you get to play as the Special Forces or the terrorists and try to triumph over your opponent team. It lets you use...Continue to app

Review Screenshot - An Entertaining Zombie Game
Editor's rating:
Version: 2.1 | Reviewed on Sep 22, 2020
An Entertaining Zombie Game
Zombie games are always entertaining because you get the chance to battle against a specie that is out to get you with as much freedom as possible. Since zombies aren't human, you can always take great pleasure in taking them to task and defeating as many of them as possible. Zombie games are normally all-action and fast-paced and therefore, get...Continue to app

Review Screenshot - Streaming App – Stream Your Favorite Music
Editor's rating:
Version: | Reviewed on Sep 22, 2020
Streaming App – Stream Your Favorite Music
If you are searching for a service that offers both new and old music then you will find this streaming app to your liking. Napster Music is a cool app that gives you the chance to stream your favorite music to your phone and listen to the latest releases. It has an amazing collection of songs that are accessible to you at all times. You can stream...Continue to app

Review Screenshot - Pet Simulator – How Far Can You Run with Your Dog?
Editor's rating:
Version: 1.10.1 | Reviewed on Sep 22, 2020
Pet Simulator – How Far Can You Run with Your Dog?
Are you a pet lover? Want to have a dog as a pet? If yes, then you will find this pet simulator to your liking. Dog Run – Pet Dog Simulator is a fun game in which you get to play with a dog and help it collect coins while avoiding the obstacles in the way. It lets you go on an endless run with your dog through the city and the forest. You will be...Continue to app

Review Screenshot - Feature-Rich and Easy to Use Music Player
Editor's rating:
Version: 1.3.4 | Reviewed on Sep 21, 2020
Feature-Rich and Easy to Use Music Player
Mobile phones have overtaken every kind of media device when it comes to music. Anyone who wants to listen to music now normally uses their phone for the purpose. To be able to hear good music and to be able to customize it as you want to, you would need a good music player app on the phone. Many people don't pay much attention to their apps as...Continue to app

Review Screenshot - Keep Yourself Updated with Live Scores of Your Favorite Sports!
Editor's rating:
Version: 8.1 | Reviewed on Sep 21, 2020
Keep Yourself Updated with Live Scores of Your Favorite Sports!
Sports is all about emotion for avid watchers and viewers with the fans breathing every moment of their favorite team or favorite player's successes and failures. While one may not have any financial interest in the success or failure of a sports player or a sports team but it still has a great impact on the life of the supporters. Sports is an...Continue to app

Review Screenshot - A Fantastic Running Game
Editor's rating:
Version: 5.3.0 | Reviewed on Sep 21, 2020
A Fantastic Running Game
There are multiple gaming genres that have become popular after the rise of mobile gaming. Running games where you need to bypass obstacles and evade a police officer or a monster at all times have been extremely popular. The main reason for the popularity is the simplicity of these games. The fact that the games trick you into thinking that you...Continue to app

Review Screenshot - A Cool Chat App
Editor's rating:
Version: | Reviewed on Sep 18, 2020
A Cool Chat App
Chatting apps have become the norm with the facilitation provided over the internet in order to avoid the huge charges associated with using the conventional mobile networks. The apps prove very useful in case friends and family live in different places and need to connect with each other while being physically far away. Conventional mobile...Continue to app

Review Screenshot - A Fun Mafia Game
Editor's rating:
Version: 1.12.44 | Reviewed on Sep 18, 2020
A Fun Mafia Game
Shooting games are always interesting and fun and put your hand and eye co-ordination to the test. In order to be successful in shooting games, you need to be able to ensure that you aim well and don't miss any target. Mafia games are a sub-genre of shooting games where you are required to fight multiple opponents of a mafia. The test is usually...Continue to app