Shine I was thinking for some time about taking out my phone SD card to clean it. Sitting in that slot for years is sure to make it full of dust, cobwebs and whatnot. You see, I hold on to a phone until it fails me completely. My last one was a Motorola T190. I kept using it until the antenna rubber rotted off and the battery couldn't keep it up for...Continue to app
Anonymity is back In the olden days of the net, internauts were filling the chat rooms under cryptic pseudonyms, nobody would know who others were unless they'd get acquainted, or track their IP (in some instances). Honest opinions and unabashed discussions were the norm. People were just happy that they could communicate in a medium that did not impose political...Continue to app
They don't make them like they used to Daemon Tools was a personal revolution in my relation to the computer... and to bootlegged PC games. I kept that little software package on my machine not only because I wanted to run game CD images, but because it made playing multi-CD games way more comfortable. Imagine playing Riven with simultaneous access to all five disks! No more disc...Continue to app
Not just a battle Not just a battle I seldom find a game so appealing, so cute, so smooth that instead of savoring it slowly, I binge play it for hours on end, only to force myself to take a break and do something else. The Battle of Polytopia is close to being that. In Polytopia you will be taking control of a tribe that starts with one small town and a warrior....Continue to app
Picky and lacking Sometimes, developers make the weirdest choices. Today we look at a browser add-on/extension that supposedly picks up torrent files just as you download them and connects to their trackers just like your favorite torrent client does. I say "supposedly" because ZTorrent is very picky when it comes to actually working. Torrent browser...Continue to app
It's MPlayer! A long time ago, in a past age, I stumbled across a minimalist video player called MPlayer. When I say minimalist I really mean it. There were no buttons or sliders, no File or View menu. It was just a console window and a view window. Every command was bound to a key and for the first few viewings you had to keep a key reference handy. It wasn't...Continue to app
No jump scares here I would like to say that I never install prank apps. However that would be a lie, since I did install this one. I honestly don't care about such things, but at least I got to sample this "genre" so to speak. Camera Ghost Detector Prank (that's a mouthful) is supposed to insert specter-like apparitions in view while filming with the device...Continue to app
Universal Converter Here we have a media converter. Just like in the old days when you would turn in VHS tapes for DVD's, you can now switch from QuickTime to Matroshka, from AVI to MKV and from SWF to GIF if your heart so desires. But wait, there's more! Switchin' sides Format Factory can read a considerable range of video, audio and image files and then save them...Continue to app
The multifunctional browser Do you dream of a unified application that can run and do anything? Is your time precious? Are you too lazy to switch applications? If your answer is "Yes" to any question then you're definitely not like me. Nevertheless, there might be something that might interest you. Since consolidation is the name of the game these days, why not...Continue to app
Breathing space Razer's market position is somewhat hard to define. Their products range from software solutions for gaming to computer systems and gadgets. There's no doubt however that they want to associate themselves with hardcore gamers. otherwise why would they use the famous Interplay tag line "By Gamers, For Gamers" (in reversed order)? With Game...Continue to app