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The evaluations from our editors

Review Screenshot - Not another image viewer
Editor's rating:
Version: 5.3 | Reviewed on Dec 05, 2016
Not another image viewer
Sometimes, you want to have all sorts of editing tools in one package. Yes, there's Photoshop and Illustrator but for the regular user, there's only the need for touch ups and batch editing. There are quite a few programs that deal with this need. Here's one of them. Selective editing FarStone Image Viewer picks up where Explorer left off....Continue to app

Review Screenshot - Here to stay
Editor's rating:
Version: 11 | Reviewed on Dec 05, 2016
Here to stay
We've been told time and time again that Internet Explorer is the best browser to download another browser. That might be true. Still, one needs to do some exploration on its own to discover whether these words are true. Besides, it's not that hard since your Windows machine already has it installed. Evolving in the background Internet Explorer (or...Continue to app

Review Screenshot - Apple safari
Editor's rating:
Version: 5.1.7 | Reviewed on Dec 05, 2016
Apple safari
If you ever wanted to taste the experience that every Mac user has when navigating the web, then here's your chance! Enjoy the silver finish of every button and the panoramic view of the dashboard (top sites) and history screen. Well, except for the title bar buttons of course. Unfortunately you will not be able to zoom the window, just maximize...Continue to app

Review Screenshot - Childhood rites
Editor's rating:
Version: 1.0 | Reviewed on Dec 05, 2016
Childhood rites
Jumping on turtles, hitting your head on suspended brick ceilings and eating mushrooms to grow in size are activities every kid has experienced since 1983. Still, if your parents never bought you a Nintendo game console then you must be feeling a great frustration. Your anger is righteous, because being robbed of Mario is like being robbed of...Continue to app

Review Screenshot - Gear up!
Editor's rating:
Version: | Reviewed on Dec 05, 2016
Gear up!
It's time to talk about another cog in IObit's finely tuned computer management machine. If you have no clue of what I'm referring then you should probably also check out Start Menu 8 and IObit Uninstaller. If you think IObit is to your liking, then you will be happy to know that Advanced System Care brings them all into one package. Since you're...Continue to app

Review Screenshot - The sandbox
Editor's rating:
Version: 1.20.12 | Reviewed on Dec 05, 2016
The sandbox
A couple of decades ago, children were running up the hills, building tree houses and fortresses. They were making tools with what they could find among the trees and they’d mine the earth in search of precious metals. They were creating tunnels and building powered railroads. They were crafting swords and armor to fight off the ghouls that came...Continue to app

Review Screenshot - Shopping PDA
Editor's rating:
Version: 8.32.2 | Reviewed on Dec 05, 2016
Shopping PDA
Although most people refuse to acknowledge this, the digital revolution has a major disadvantage. Holding a smart-phone in one hand and pushing the shopping cart with the other leaves you with few options when needing to check your shopping list. But for all those apps that clutter your mobile device, why not incorporate another digital version...Continue to app

Review Screenshot - Old acquaintances
Editor's rating:
Version: | Reviewed on Dec 05, 2016
Old acquaintances
Most of us have heard of the Norton Antivirus. If you haven’t then either you are too young to surf the web unattended or have been using Linux since the nineties, in which case I’m sorry to inform you that mobile devices are beginning to become vulnerable to all sorts of nasty malware. It’s not at as bad as with a Windows machine though, yet....Continue to app

Review Screenshot - More than Bollywood
Editor's rating:
Version: 16.3.0 | Reviewed on Dec 05, 2016
More than Bollywood
BookMyShow helps you decide each evening where on the Indian sub-content is worth going down for a movie. As you may know Indian cinema (or Bollywood) has quite an impressive turnout of films coming out each year. Some of them might trickle out to western audiences. However, if you want to get the full Bollywood experience, you must go to a...Continue to app

Review Screenshot - Digital immunization
Editor's rating:
Version: 0.0 | Reviewed on Dec 05, 2016
Digital immunization
Vaccines these days are no longer a simple subject. Arguments that suggest they may do more harm than good have surfaced and makes you wonder if the flu shot has any effectiveness, or is just a marketing scheme aimed at sucking money and potentially leaving you with an unwanted substance running around in your bloodstream. You see, unlike...Continue to app