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The evaluations from our editors

Review Screenshot - Humans are fodder
Editor's rating:
Version: 1.1.0 | Reviewed on Nov 29, 2016
Humans are fodder
Whenever a game has the tycoon word in its title it usually means it is a complex economic simulation of sorts. Well, that's not always the case apparently. I imagine that if it were about vampires, you would get a game about a board of vampires managing some big economic or entertainment complex. Every once in a while they need to snatch a... Continue to app

Review Screenshot - Accessible professionalism
Editor's rating:
Version: 13 | Reviewed on Nov 28, 2016
Accessible professionalism
Purchasing a media package has become quite a rare event in the past years. As professional tools have become subscription based, it appears that the industry is adopting the MMO games model. Luckily for people who do not want a subscription in order to use a video editing program (and neither want to sell their soul for it) Sony has released... Download

Review Screenshot - Forge this!
Editor's rating:
Version: 1.3.12 | Reviewed on Nov 28, 2016
Forge this!
There are times when we would love to get into an audio file just as we can go into an image file. A dent in the flow, a chorus that does not repeat enough times, an inflexion that you just don't like, or maybe you have a sample that you want to insert into an audio piece. Who knows. Anyway do you have the means? Audacity is a program that... Download

Review Screenshot - Scrambled mice
Editor's rating:
Version: 2.20.5 | Reviewed on Nov 28, 2016
Scrambled mice
The mouse has been a staple computer peripheral for about thirty years. Its basic functions have been established no matter what new ergonomic designs have appeared over the years. In turn, almost everybody knows how to handle a mouse and considers it easy and intuitive. Still, in case you don't agree with the majority, there is another option... Download

Review Screenshot - Pauper rates
Editor's rating:
Version: | Reviewed on Nov 28, 2016
Pauper rates
Even with the development of high speed connections, people generally still appreciate an app that goes out of its way to streamline data transfer in the service of higher speeds and lower megabyte count. Opera Browser Mini was for some time the only mobile browser to cater to the frugal user in such a way. Not any more though, UC Browser Mini... Continue to app

Review Screenshot - Special Care
Editor's rating:
Version: 8.31 | Reviewed on Nov 28, 2016
Special Care
A smart Windows user knows that one of the keys of maintaining a fast and functional machine is the registry system. Neglecting a computer's registry is like changing a restaurant's menu without updating the menu booklets. Well, maybe not that catastrophic but it certainly results in a counterproductive computer. Most registry management tools... Download

Review Screenshot - Disposable Surfboards
Editor's rating:
Version: 3.35.1 | Reviewed on Nov 28, 2016
Disposable Surfboards
Infinite level games are somewhat of a trend in recent years. Flappy Bird or Canabalt showed that a simple game can get highly addictive and time consuming. If you add in coin collection, temporary and permanent power-ups then you have something that can easily glue you to the screen for hours. Subway Surfers is such a game where you help a... Continue to app

Review Screenshot - Burning on a leash
Editor's rating:
Version: 16.0 | Reviewed on Nov 28, 2016
Burning on a leash
Nero has long been a household name. In last decade you would have found it on almost any computer. Today however with the advent of so many data transfer options, burning discs has long lost the first option status. burning files on a disc is now mostly limited to showing pictures on your parents' DVD player or for professional purposes. If... Download

Review Screenshot - Refreshingly cool!
Editor's rating:
Version: 1.0 | Reviewed on Nov 28, 2016
Refreshingly cool!
Being fed up with racing games over the years has left me completely blind to any release, mobile or otherwise. But browsing today over what new free games might have appeared on Google Play, I stumbled across this little gem. Having played Smash Hit before promised me that these developers know what they're doing. How do you take a driving... Continue to app

Review Screenshot - Corel is keeping up!
Editor's rating:
Version: 8 | Reviewed on Nov 25, 2016
Corel is keeping up!
A vector graphics package has usually been an expensive deal. Not everybody would be happy to discard hundreds of dollars for the chance to play with lines and nodes. While Adobe has implemented a subscription system which has made its suites more accessible, some people argued that a subscription can get even more expensive than the full... Download