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The evaluations from our editors

Review Screenshot - Online all the time!
Editor's rating:
Version: | Reviewed on Nov 21, 2016
Online all the time!
Uploading to Cloud is something, but creating content in the cloud is something else entirely. In a day when people rarely use less than 2 different workspaces (be it computers or other devices) keeping a congruent working environment is fairly hard. Google's initiative of an online office environment has helped a lot with organizing work and...Continue to app

Review Screenshot - Who's calling?
Editor's rating:
Version: 8.80.1732719153 | Reviewed on Nov 21, 2016
Who's calling?
As technology advances and portable screens get bigger, there is a growing chance that people will want to communicate verbally and visually. Getting an app that handles this type of communication will always be handy. Getting the Tango app will also put you in touch with more people. Tango, much like other communication apps on Android establishes...Continue to app

Review Screenshot - All aboard the Chibi train!
Editor's rating:
Version: 1.6.3 | Reviewed on Nov 21, 2016
All aboard the Chibi train!
Pick-up & deliver is a genre of games that is mostly encountered in physical form. It implies building a busyness out of transporting goods from one area to another. This type of games is fairly divisive in the board game world. Apparently it is hard to be indifferent on the matter. What say you? Pocket Trains is a game in which you operate a...Continue to app

Review Screenshot - Pinned royalty
Editor's rating:
Version: 1.50.19 | Reviewed on Nov 21, 2016
Pinned royalty
Games that try to emulate sports are always faced with the challenge of immersing the player. This is especially true when it comes to sports where dexterity and hand to eye coordination is the name of the game. Bowling is such a game. Therefore, unless you can compensate with some other element, bowling on a tablet could hardly be exciting. Does...Continue to app

Review Screenshot - Blob eat blob
Editor's rating:
Version: 2.28.10 | Reviewed on Nov 21, 2016
Blob eat blob
Size matters. I know, it depends, but when it comes to oversized cannibal cells floating around in a Petri dish, being bigger means you're safer...theoretically. Miniclip has brought you a game about ravenous microscopic organisms. If you haven't played, let me bring you up to date. The title itself is an URL. The game is an online survival...Continue to app

Review Screenshot - It's snowing in spaaace!
Editor's rating:
Version: 2.72 | Reviewed on Nov 18, 2016
It's snowing in spaaace!
Heliocentricity, Chickens and Christmas are brought together to create a scrolling shooter filled with space poultry, mistletoe and non-graphic violence. For your holiday delight, Chicken Invaders is now Christmas themed. This absurd game puts you at the helm of a fighter spacecraft that needs to shoot its way through hordes of incoming chicken....Continue to app

Review Screenshot - Do you need an umbrella today?
Editor's rating:
Version: 10.69.1 | Reviewed on Nov 18, 2016
Do you need an umbrella today?
Given the cold that is encroaching the northern parts of our beloved Earth, having a handy dandy weather app on your phone or tablet should be a priority. Otherwise, you wouldn't know which pair of socks to put on each morning. The Weather Channel shows the current temperature and lays out forecasts for nine days in advance. The Now screen displays...Continue to app

Review Screenshot - Destructive telekinesis
Editor's rating:
Version: 1.7 | Reviewed on Nov 18, 2016
Destructive telekinesis
Do you have the dexterity to defend the walls? Although today there might not be a need for professional wizards, there was a time when invaders would avoid the city walls by dropping down from the clouds. Of course, free-falling while wearing an armor piece is not a good idea, so carefully inflated balloons were used in order to descend in safety....Continue to app

Review Screenshot - Season's tile grabbing
Editor's rating:
Version: 1.0 | Reviewed on Nov 18, 2016
Season's tile grabbing
Mah-jong is fairly popular set collection tile game that originated in China some two hundred years ago. Although it has sprouted quite a few variations, its basic principle has remained the same. Each player is trying to form a set of tiles in order to win. You draw and discard tiles to reach your goal. Since each player's hand is hidden, you will...Continue to app

Review Screenshot - A card puzzle for Christmas
Editor's rating:
Version: 1.0 | Reviewed on Nov 18, 2016
A card puzzle for Christmas
Lonely for Christmas? How about playing a classic solitaire game of Freecell? You will be delightfully challenged with this puzzly game of cards. In case you've never played anything else except the classic Solitaire, you must understand that while Solitaire can get pretty difficult it is also of an extreme random nature. In Freecell, you get to...Continue to app