Hibernation doesn't sound that bad Installing a new application is easy. But when you realize that your device holds more apps than it can handle then you might want to clean it up a bit. Of course, it is rather hard to uninstall most of them. What to do though, buy a new phone? Too expensive. How about installing another app? Yes, it sounds crazy but do you know what you need?...Continue to app
A touch of effects, a pinch of zoom The number thirteen is interpreted differently across our world. The 13th day may be one of caution or one beneficial for meditation. Regarding software iterations 13 means nothing special, although it certainty denotes longevity. Established video processing packages often come with a hefty price. So for Movie Studio's 13th version, Sony decided...Continue to app
Gluttony INC. Time management games seem to be one of my favorite type of games for Android as of late. There's something addictive to the I don't know exactly what. Maybe it's constant mix of anxiety, enthusiasm and lust for coin. Come to think of it, this might be the recipe upon which our capitalistic world is running. Hmm... Keep your gastric juices at...Continue to app
Welcome to Yeti Mountain If I were to forget the notion of pixel art every so often, I would find the majority of indie games to be tremendously innovative in terms of graphics. The good thing is that this visual style fits perfectly. Do you remember the old ski game on Windows? Skiing Yeti Mountain is a relaxing game about slalom. You are a proud member of F.A.R.S.E, The...Continue to app
Online all the time! Uploading to Cloud is something, but creating content in the cloud is something else entirely. In a day when people rarely use less than 2 different workspaces (be it computers or other devices) keeping a congruent working environment is fairly hard. Google's initiative of an online office environment has helped a lot with organizing work and...Continue to app
Version: 8.80.1732719153 | Reviewed on Nov 21, 2016
Who's calling? As technology advances and portable screens get bigger, there is a growing chance that people will want to communicate verbally and visually. Getting an app that handles this type of communication will always be handy. Getting the Tango app will also put you in touch with more people. Tango, much like other communication apps on Android establishes...Continue to app
All aboard the Chibi train! Pick-up & deliver is a genre of games that is mostly encountered in physical form. It implies building a busyness out of transporting goods from one area to another. This type of games is fairly divisive in the board game world. Apparently it is hard to be indifferent on the matter. What say you? Pocket Trains is a game in which you operate a...Continue to app
Pinned royalty Games that try to emulate sports are always faced with the challenge of immersing the player. This is especially true when it comes to sports where dexterity and hand to eye coordination is the name of the game. Bowling is such a game. Therefore, unless you can compensate with some other element, bowling on a tablet could hardly be exciting. Does...Continue to app
Blob eat blob Size matters. I know, it depends, but when it comes to oversized cannibal cells floating around in a Petri dish, being bigger means you're safer...theoretically. Miniclip has brought you a game about ravenous microscopic organisms. If you haven't played Agar.io, let me bring you up to date. The title itself is an URL. The game is an online survival...Continue to app
It's snowing in spaaace! Heliocentricity, Chickens and Christmas are brought together to create a scrolling shooter filled with space poultry, mistletoe and non-graphic violence. For your holiday delight, Chicken Invaders is now Christmas themed. This absurd game puts you at the helm of a fighter spacecraft that needs to shoot its way through hordes of incoming chicken....Continue to app