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The evaluations from our editors

Review Screenshot - Feuer でわない
Editor's rating:
Version: | Reviewed on Oct 18, 2016
Feuer でわない
I must confess that military equipment simulators never interested me very much... Oh wait. Yeah, I did play SU-27 Flanker and LHX some time in the distant past. However, once I got a proper gaming PC I focused on more story driven games than bone dry military stuff. So in part, my total lack of enthusiasm for Gunship Battle is due to my general...Continue to app

Review Screenshot - Unfinished business
Editor's rating:
Version: 4.0.7 | Reviewed on Oct 11, 2016
Unfinished business
Having a written itinerary when visiting a foreign city is a good thing. It gives a structure and keeps you motivated to go further instead of buying a bunch of fries with sauce and slack around on a bench in Amsterdam; Unless that's what you want to do in the first place. TouristEye works as an itinerary notebook, but also as a digital luggage...Continue to app

Review Screenshot - Coal and Iron at work
Editor's rating:
Version: 1.11 | Reviewed on Oct 10, 2016
Coal and Iron at work
Welcome to the Eighteen century Lancashire! A cradle for the eventual industrial boom that we call the Industrial revolution. Coal mines dot the land, Ironworks function day and night and water canals transport cotton towards their overseas destinations. As steam engines become common, Lancashire goes through a major transition in the way...Continue to app

Review Screenshot - Case in point
Editor's rating:
Version: 2.4.2a | Reviewed on Oct 07, 2016
Case in point
Clickers. I never knew there was such a game "genre". So in essence, a clicker game is about tapping or clicking the screen or a certain area of the screen for an expected outcome. This is usually some form of upgrade or currency influx which will enable you to 'click' more efficiently afterwards. There is no other point to these games...Continue to app

Review Screenshot - The Guilty Lord and the Pseudo MMO
Editor's rating:
Version: 1.0.0 | Reviewed on Oct 06, 2016
The Guilty Lord and the Pseudo MMO
Whenever I browse the Play Store and see an icon with fancifully drawn anime characters I look the other way. Why? Because I'm full of prejudice. When I see game footage masked by artwork in the screenshots section I immediately sniff disillusion. So was the case with Zeon, although this time I had to take a look. To no surprise, it failed to...Continue to app

Review Screenshot - The Flying Chestnut
Editor's rating:
Version: | Reviewed on Oct 05, 2016
The Flying Chestnut
I have ignored Badland for months because of its free game status. I honestly don't care for a game if its intertwined with a continuous shekel making scheme. Here's were my manly intuition has failed me (not surprisingly). Badland is in fact a complete premium game out of which the developers Frogmind have kindly made an upgrade-able free game for...Continue to app

Review Screenshot - Reversed Tetris?
Editor's rating:
Version: 4.11.5 | Reviewed on Oct 04, 2016
Reversed Tetris?
The tower stands tall, piercing the clouds with its rectangular edges. It seems strong, however you can't help but notice the bricks shifting slightly at irregular intervals. What might be going on? Little do you know that there's a real struggle going on at the top. A hexagonal artifact stands to fall for a disembodied spirit shifts the tower from...Continue to app

Review Screenshot - Multiplayer Volfied
Editor's rating:
Version: 1.10 | Reviewed on Oct 03, 2016
Multiplayer Volfied
Some of you old geezers might remember the classic DOS game Volfied (or the fairly older Qix). "What's DOS" you ask? In that case I kindly ask you to go to this page to brush up on computer history. Volfied is a 1989 arcade game in which you were directing a ship-thing to cut boxes out of a landscape. The job wasn't that easy, as there...Continue to app

Review Screenshot - Hold on to your tiles
Editor's rating:
Version: 21.0.4 | Reviewed on Sep 30, 2016
Hold on to your tiles
Choo, choo! It's time for some hot railroad action! If you've always been wondering what railroad traffic conductors do in a day's job, then you're reading the wrong article. Train Conductor World is a drag-and-drop arcade game about serving up colored trains, avoiding crashes and collecting Carcassonne tiles (not really). I remember playing this...Continue to app

Review Screenshot - Catch it yourself!
Editor's rating:
Version: | Reviewed on Sep 28, 2016
Catch it yourself!
What I can only describe as a limbless gerbil is dragging a cart full of strawberries up a hill. Unbeknownst to it is that a small boulder will make it drop the cartwheels and let loose all the strawberries down the hill, spreading along the road. Herein lies the premise of Catch My Berry, a rather suggestive title if you ask me. The gerbil...Continue to app