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The evaluations from our editors

Review Screenshot - A Rant
Editor's rating:
Version: | Reviewed on Aug 25, 2016
A Rant
I love the feeling when I am suddenly notified of something I need to pay attention to. What I don't like is being constantly reminded about how lucky I am that someone is keeping an eye on my activities. You see, I value discretion and seamless integration. Let's take mobile security apps for instance. What's the point of having a permanent icon...Continue to app

Review Screenshot - Ship Shape
Editor's rating:
Version: 8.2.1 | Reviewed on Aug 25, 2016
Ship Shape
I have always wondered if there was an Android app that could keep all of the other apps from chewing on the power cables…err, I mean eating up my phone's precious resources. I never imagined I would find it while looking for a desktop phone management tool. Quite the synchronicity, don't you think? Leaving it aside, MobileGo (for Android) is one...Continue to app

Review Screenshot - Begging for likes
Editor's rating:
Version: 1.0.5 | Reviewed on Aug 25, 2016
Begging for likes
Emulating their Xbox 360 games might sound good to the minimalist gamer. Why take up space with a console when you can run your games on the PC rig that never leaves your room. VR Xbox 360 PC Emulator appears to be such a solution. However, I'll never know since they shamefully force you to promote them on social media in order to download some...Continue to app

Review Screenshot - Centralization!
Editor's rating:
Version: 10 | Reviewed on Aug 25, 2016
How often have you found yourself asking friends left and right for the pictures they promised to send you? Of course, during a party everybody thinks they'll be ready and apt to send their photos to your e-mail address as soon they'll get home. Right! That rarely happens, and is generally less likely to happen the more their brains get bathed in...Continue to app

Review Screenshot - Of course you’re beautiful!
Editor's rating:
Version: 5.398.0 | Reviewed on Aug 25, 2016
Of course you’re beautiful!
Narcissism is becoming quite popular these days with the advent of social media. "Selfie" has become a well-known word and Facebook is probably the largest depository of self-taken mug shots on Earth (if we discount any other CIA database). Why do people post selfies? Most likely they need to prove that they were really standing in...Continue to app

Review Screenshot - A helping hand
Editor's rating:
Version: 11.6.90 | Reviewed on Aug 25, 2016
A helping hand
What is the best thing you can hope for when studying for a general knowledge and current affairs exam? I mean the best thing besides a Ganesha intervention. Generally speaking, divine interventions are seldom these days and not a good bet overall. Therefore it is probably wiser to hope for a GK Android app to fall into your lap as it is a...Continue to app

Review Screenshot - The One
Editor's rating:
Version: 4.2.2 | Reviewed on Aug 25, 2016
The One
If you have ever been tired of the plain old Android browser, then you have probably experimented with others in the search of the one true browser experience. Alas some offer too little whereas others offer too much and for no particular reason. The feel of despair may overwhelm you but you should not lose hope. You shouldn't fall on your knees...Continue to app

Review Screenshot - The softest rejection
Editor's rating:
Version: 15.23.0 | Reviewed on Aug 25, 2016
The softest rejection
How cool it would be if the rebuff you received would suddenly disappear from your mind? Better yet, to save you from the awkwardness of unknowingly receiving it again, how nice would it be if you would also forget about the person? Very nice! It would save your ego from the death it so worries about. No Compromise Tinder is a relative newcomer...Continue to app

Review Screenshot - Quick check up
Editor's rating:
Version: 6.0 | Reviewed on Aug 24, 2016
Quick check up
Is your software up to date? I know Windows is update savvy, but what about the rest of your hardware? I often forget about keeping the components up to date. Maybe that's because I no longer use a desktop computer. But you should not be so careless. For a quick check-up on your computer drivers, Driver Identifier will run a scan and present the...Continue to app

Review Screenshot - Sorting things out
Editor's rating:
Version: | Reviewed on Aug 22, 2016
Sorting things out
Installing and uninstalling programs usually makes data on your disk look like a mess, kind of like my room. I need to mention that you don't actually need to keep installing and uninstalling programs. Data is randomly thrown there and as soon as something doesn't fit where your computer is insisting to cram it, it gets split up. Therefore,...Continue to app