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The evaluations from our editors

Review Screenshot - Multimedia Haiku
Editor's rating:
Version: 2 | Reviewed on Aug 04, 2016
Multimedia Haiku
If you're in the mood for something more artistic and with a relaxed and less challenging gameplay (well, non-challenging to be exact) then you might want to try out "I am a brave knight". Brave Knight is a far cry from BulkyPix's other games such as Flail Rider. So far that it is actually not a game at all. It appears that this app was...Continue to app

Review Screenshot - Humanitarian fun ride
Editor's rating:
Version: 1.9.0 | Reviewed on Aug 03, 2016
Humanitarian fun ride
I have played abstract 3D endless runners before. I must admit that this genre is the one I find to be the most immersive on a mobile platform. What some of these runners lack is landscape variety. Power Hover is not endless and therefore each level is designed specifically to be its own non-random thing. The game follows a hover board riding...Continue to app

Review Screenshot - All for one.
Editor's rating:
Version: 2020.01.13 | Reviewed on Aug 02, 2016
All for one.
Hide All IP is another application that bounces your connection, much like IP Hider Pro. There are some eighty servers to choose from. There's also the ability to automatically switch between them at regular intervals, so you are guaranteed to to disorient anybody who'd like to pinpoint your location. Hide All IP also features a program launcher...Continue to app

Review Screenshot - Redact-able Messaging
Editor's rating:
Version: 3.2.6 | Reviewed on Jul 29, 2016
Redact-able Messaging
Speaky is a chatting app that with two interesting features. It lets you discover interesting people by browsing profiles that contain short descriptions, and also engage in chatting where you can edit both yours and your partner's messages. Editing another's message will create a corrected copy in which you can see both the original and the...Continue to app

Review Screenshot - Rather "Tiny Cleptomaniac"
Editor's rating:
Version: | Reviewed on Jul 28, 2016
Rather "Tiny Cleptomaniac"
The title may be misleading. In Tiny Spy, you seem to be the archetypal detective character, complete with a hat, trench-coat and a notepad. The goal is to find a specific object in each environment and 'snatch it'! You will usually need to search for specific areas in the room, open drawers, activate mechanisms and so on. Often you will need to...Continue to app

Review Screenshot - Falling Leukocyte
Editor's rating:
Version: 2.2.15 | Reviewed on Jul 27, 2016
Falling Leukocyte
I suppose I'm attracted to cutesy graphics, but playing Microtrip is really fun. Here you seem to be a white cell of some sort falling through an artery while eating pills to keep itself alive. Most of the environment is fairly harmless, consisting of walls, rotating valves and thick blobby objects that slow you down (must be the saturated fats)....Continue to app

Review Screenshot - Limit them!
Editor's rating:
Version: 6.6.0 | Reviewed on Jul 26, 2016
Limit them!
A firewall is an absolute necessity when you have multiple computers in the same household or small firm. In order to maintain a safe and working environment, shared Internet access is usually guarded by such software. Keryo WinRoute Firewall is a highly customizable firewall. It is easy to set up, thanks to the built in configuration wizard and...Continue to app

Review Screenshot - Cube Pusher par Excellance
Editor's rating:
Version: 1.4.7 | Reviewed on Jul 26, 2016
Cube Pusher par Excellance
Transmission is a game about optimization. You get a bunch of nodes that can either receive or pass on traveling cubes. You send about cubes by linking the nodes in an efficient manner. Thoroughly simple at the beginning, but fairly difficult towards the end. Transmission is designed to teach a little about the history of telecommunications. Each...Continue to app

Review Screenshot - Host you own Proxy
Editor's rating:
Version: 8.0 | Reviewed on Jul 22, 2016
Host you own Proxy
If you're tired to connecting to dubious proxy servers across the world, here's a solution you might not thought of: Create your own server! Now, all you need is to set up a computer with internet access somewhere far away from were you live and run CCProxy on it! Or you could just install it on your computer and become a proxy for your friends....Continue to app

Review Screenshot - Beeping Banshee
Editor's rating:
Version: 2.55 | Reviewed on Jul 21, 2016
Beeping Banshee
Computer addicts and workaholics pay attention. Banshee Screamer Alarm is designed to give you the heads up. As a digital alarm clock, you can use it to either wake up in case your face is on the keyboard, or remind you that you need to get some air. Banshee Screamer Alarm also functions as a Timer and Counter. Left and Right Clicking on the...Continue to app