FileCOPA FTP Server 8.01TRIALFileCOPA takes the hard work out of running a secure FTP Server. The FileCOPA FTP Server installs on any version of the Microsoft Windows operating system with just a few clicks of the mouse and automatically configures itself for anonymous...Read More Rating:
FileVista 5.0TRIALEasy & Secure Web-Based File Sharing Software for IT Administrators Share files with your clients or staff on your web site. Enable your users to securely access, upload and organize documents from anywhere with only a web browser. Store your...Read More Rating:
FlexWindow Enterprise Server 1.0.1TRIALHave you ever wished updating your web site were as easy as, say, sending an e-mail? With FlexWindow it is. Simply define content areas on your site. Then send an e-mail with the content you want to appear in that "flexwindow". FlexWindow Enterprise...Read More Rating:
Free SMTP Server 2.5997FREEFree SMTP Server is a SMTP server program for Windows that lets you send email messages directly from your computer. It's very simple but very useful for laptop users traveling around the world and connecting their PCs to different Internet Service...Read More Rating:
FTPSuite 1.0FREEAccess your harddrive from everywhere (password-protected and not) with the FTPServer, view special XML-files like FTP-Server directories.Read More Rating:
Gate-and-Way Internet 2.2TRIALQuiet navigation, with the safety of a powerful firewall, using only one account with your ISP for all the users on the LAN. Redundant connections in order to obviate to possible inefficiencies of the ISP without stopping working. Other modules...Read More Rating:
Gate-and-Way Mail 2.2TRIALAn internal mail server to store all your company's messages. Powerful and integrated with shared folders and personal folders for internal use only. Automatic download of mail from the Internet. Other modules included on the Gate-and-Way Package...Read More Rating:
Gattaca Server Server - solution for the organization internal or external e-post service for the central or regional office. Gattaca Server full featured, 100 % compatible to existing standards POP3 and SMTP mail server. You can use it not only as an...Read More Rating:
GeoSniper filters all traffic from the client to your web-server based on locations that you select. You can even block locations all the way down to the state and city level! It is a fact that most hack attempts come from certain areas and countries....Read More Rating:
GFI MailArchiver 2013TRIALGFI MailArchiver provides secure, compliant storage for messages and documents, and helps businesses get the most from their email history. It is an award-winning archiving solution used by businesses worldwide to solve their email management...Read More Rating:
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