AnalogX Proxy 4.15FREEAnalogX Proxy is a small and simple server that allows any other machine on your local network to route its requests through a central machine. To use this software you simply run AnalogX Proxy on the machine with the internet connection, configure...Read More Rating:
FreeNAS 0.7.2FREEFreeNAS is a free open source NAS server which supports CIFS, FTP, NFS, AFP, RSYNC, iSCSI, S.M.A.R.T., and RAID with a Full WEB configuration interface. FreeNAS takes less than 32MB once installed on Compact Flash, hard drive or USB key. The...Read More Rating:
ComicFlow 1.2.4FREEComicFlow is a full featured, highly customized Open Source package for collecting and organizing comics. The package has a user friendly interface, a simple and straightforward administration panel. It is simply the number one tool for comic...Read More Rating:
Webuzo for RicarGBooK 1.2.2TRIALRicarGBooK is a guestbook system written in PHP and based on flat files. You can delete or modify any comment with an admin control panel. It's easy, simple and completely free!Read More Rating:
sdbFREESDB is an utility for traders to manage a collection of live shows. It currently features various export formats (txt, html, php, xml) and a gui to browse, add, edit your shows.Read More Rating:
Webuzo for Storytlr 1.2.0TRIALStorytlr offers a single touch point for your online life in your own style. Easily post anything you find interesting, import your web 2.0 stuff and share your life online. Storytlr is an open source lifestreaming and micro blogging platform. You...Read More Rating:
007 Proxy Finder 2.5TRIALAutomatically search and extract free proxy server from websites that provides daily updated proxy list. In 10 seconds, it will give you thousands of proxy server addresses. Automatically remove duplicate proxy, government, military & planet lab...Read More Rating:
007 Proxy Finder Enterprise Edition 2.50TRIALAutomatically search and extract fresh free proxies servers addresses from various websites , that offers new proxies list updated daily. Just in 2 minutes, Proxy Finder Enterprise will give you 10000~20000 free public proxies servers. ...Read More Rating:
Golden FTP server 5.00FREEGolden FTP Server is a free personal FTP server for Windows. It is extremely easy to use and can be run by any person who has the most basic computer skills. The program loads automatically on Windows startup and you can identify the files you want...Read More Rating:
Local SMTP Server Pro 5.27TRIALLocal SMTP Server Pro is a SMTP server program that lets you send email messages without help of your ISP, directly from your local PC to recipient mailboxes. You can use your favorite email client along with this software the way you used to do it...Read More Rating:
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