Portable RDP 5.2 client 1.0FREEBad news: RDP 6.0 is automatically installed by Microsoft with Vista, XP SP3, Windows 7 and Windows 2008 (with or without bugs and issues). RDP 6.0 is difficult to uninstall and many of you dislike its annoying mandatory look & feel. Here is the...Read More Rating:
ProteMac NetMine 2.0.49TRIALProteMac NetMine is a network firewall for Mac OS X which control applications network activity of every application on Your Mac! ProteMac NetMine can restrict or prevent outright the spread of networked computer worms, trojans, viruses and malware....Read More Rating:
Fitter&FixerFREEThis tool uses a semantically enhanced classification tree to repair taxonomic errors on categorical data. The program creates a blank database, loads raw data, validates it against a user-provided list of categories, and corrects invalid entries.Read More Rating:
FeedMUFREEFeedMU (pronounce feed-mew) is a simple feed formulation software. Users can manage animal requirements, ingredients composition, etc for formulating a well balanced diet. Least cost feed formulation by linear programming and other features are...Read More Rating:
Offline Pokedex 1.0.2125.38301FREEThe Offline Pokedex is an all-encompassing Pokedex to have all Pokedex data always available without Internet connection. All known data about all Pokemon are output, with comprehensive sorting and search possibilities. In VB.NET.Read More Rating:
Webuzo for phpLD 2.2.0TRIALphpLD is the most widely used directory script on the internet. Users have tested the script on over 50,000 websites, and its a script that works in nearly all PHP hosting environments. Another great advantage of phpLD is the number of templates and...Read More Rating:
WnDictFREEGTK-based client for DICT Protocol (rfc 2229) and WordNet lexical database of English language.Read More Rating:
HotelManFREEHotelMan is a very flexible and very customizable HOTEL-MANaging free software. Written in Java, it uses a friendly and easy GUI that allows you to manage customers' data, statistics, menus, hotel accounting, etc. Useful to manage a big amount of...Read More Rating:
IP Hider Pro Hider Pro is a professional software used to hide your IP address so that you can hide your internet traffic and the real location while surfing the web. The best IP Changer software makes nobody know what you do on the internet. IP Hider Pro...Read More Rating:
Exchange Server Reports Tool 13.09.01TRIALLepide Exchange Reporter is one such advance exchange server reports tool that facilitates you with an ideal solution to effectively monitor mailbox traffic and its content. In fact, the utility is very handy in the preparation of simple and...Read More Rating:
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